Air Conditioning Companies in Mabank, TX Can Help When Your AC Freezes Up
June 15, 2017 2:47 pm Leave your thoughtsHomeowners with air conditioning systems may have run into some type of issue with their AC unit during their time in their house. Air conditioning companies in Mabank, TX get calls all of the time to fix a myriad of AC problems that arise for one reason or another. Older units break down more often due to failing parts, but that doesn’t mean newer units are immune from trouble.
One of the most common reasons why we get calls for AC repair is due to a frozen unit. That’s right—an air conditioning unit can actually freeze! Here are a few things homeowners need to know about AC freezing.
First, why might an AC freeze up to begin with? Here are some potential causes:
• Low refrigerant: The first cause of a frozen unit is a low refrigerant level. Refrigerant can leak over time for one reason or another. When that happens, the AC’s coils containing the refrigerant get too cold, and ice eventually builds up.
• Restricted airflow: Your AC unit’s air filters are one of the most important aspects of your unit. They’re in charge of blocking dust, dirt and other contaminants from getting into your unit and wreaking havoc. Dirt in the system can contribute to improperly functioning coils.
• Overuse or misuse: Constantly running your air conditioner at really cold temperatures can also contribute to the freezing issue. There’s no reason your home needs to be set at 60 degrees all summer long!
Prevention is the key to avoiding having to deal with a frozen air conditioner. Here are four steps you can take to keep this from happening:
• Call for maintenance: The likelihood of something going wrong with your unit skyrockets if you don’t have yearly maintenance performed on your air conditioning system. Be sure to call air conditioning companies in Mabank, TX each spring to perform preventative maintenance on your unit. AC freezing, in particular, is easy to prevent if you call us for maintenance soon.
• Refrigerant recharge: As mentioned above, low refrigerant is one of the big causes of AC freezing. Give our professionals a call to easily recharge your refrigerant to the proper levels. We’ll be sure to check and recharge your refrigerant when you call us for yearly maintenance.
• Change your filters: You can prevent AC freezing for only a few dollars! Make sure you change your air filters a few times each summer. You can pick up new filters at your local hardware store.
• Don’t constantly use it: In addition to having your refrigerant recharged and changing your filters, make sure you don’t turn your AC on if the outside temperature is below 60 degrees. There’s no reason to run your AC if it’s that chilly outside. It only wastes energy and increases the chances of a frozen unit.
If you haven’t already scheduled an AC maintenance call this year, be sure to give Ken’s Comfort Zone Air Conditioning a call today to inspect your system. If your unit does break down this summer, give us a call! Our professionals will be able to repair the issue as quickly as possible. If the problem is beyond repair, we can also install a new unit for some of the lowest prices among air conditioning companies in Mabank, TX.
Categorised in: Air Conditioning Companies
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