Why You Should Change Your HVAC Air Filter More Often in the Summer
July 17, 2018 3:21 pm Leave your thoughtsYou’re used to changing your HVAC air filter every three months, but are there certain times of the year when replacing it every month makes sense? Yes, there are—here are some reasons why you should change the air filter for your HVAC in Mabank, TX more often in the summer.
Change filters for summer
Your HVAC system works extra hard during the colder and warmer months. In the winter, your furnace pushes warm air inside your home. In the summer, your air conditioner produces cool air. Using your AC more during the summer will mean higher energy bills, unless you take measures to ensure better energy efficiency—such as changing the HVAC air filter more often. Replacing dirty air filters helps to maintain your indoor air quality, lower energy bills and increase the lifespan of the system.
Dirty air filters can cause a lot of damage, especially in the summer. Filters are typically out of sight, leaving them more prone to clogging and becoming extra dirty. Dirt, dust and debris can build up quickly in an old filter, stopping airflow and causing your system to overwork. Some systems may even shut down. Having a complete AC breakdown in the middle of summer is absolutely no fun!
Why you should change the filter more often
Though it’s a small and relatively inexpensive component of your HVAC system, the air filter plays an important role in your cooler’s overall performance, efficiency and indoor air quality. Since this is the case, plan on changing the air filter regularly as a part of your summertime AC maintenance tasks. Some manufacturers will say to change the filter every three months, while others recommend every one to three months. The pros suggest replacing it once a month during the summer, and here’s why:
- More hours of use: During the summer, many households in the United States use their air conditioners for longer periods of time to battle the heat. ACs are put through longer cycles, typically longer than most furnaces run in the winter, meaning a greater volume of air circulates through the system on higher usage days. The result is more airborne particulates getting caught by the air filter. To ensure the best possible air filtration, replace your filter every month this summer.
- Humidity: Humidity is a problem for many areas of the country during the summer. Because indoor relative humidity is higher during the summer months, your air conditioner may have a more difficult time cooling the inside of your house. Humid air circulates through the ductwork, causing moisture that can lead to mold and bacterial growth, and a damp filter doesn’t trap airborne particles very well.
- Airborne allergens: Pollen and mold spores tend to be around in greater numbers during the warmer months. These can dirty up your filter and contaminate your indoor air. To keep allergy triggers outside, change your air filter once a month in the summer.
Do you need maintenance or repairs performed on your HVAC in Mabank, TX? Don’t hesitate to call Ken’s Comfort Zone Air Conditioning!
Categorised in: HVAC
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