What You Need to Know About Air Balancing

October 15, 2018 9:56 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

Does your home seem to have areas that are hotter or cooler than other parts of the house? If so, the air in your home isn’t properly balanced. An improperly balanced home isn’t just a little uncomfortable—it actually means that your AC or furnace isn’t running at optimal efficiency and that you’re wasting money each month on your energy bills. The good news is that balancing your HVAC in Mabank, TX isn’t as tricky as it might sound. Keep reading to learn everything you need to know about air balancing.

DIY air balancing

With a little bit of effort, you may be able to balance your AC without needing to call a technician. Here are a couple of the small things we recommend doing to get rid of those hot or cold areas in your home:

  • Open and close registers: Getting proper air balance throughout your home can be as easy as fiddling with the damper blade on your registers. In the warmer months, fully open your registers on the top floor and partially close them on your lower level and basement. Reverse the process in the winter, and you may notice a big difference in the air balance in your home.
  • Prevent airflow restrictions: Are your registers blocked by furniture or covered up with rugs? If so, the air in your home won’t be balanced. Do a quick check and make sure that nothing is covering your registers, and you should see an improvement with your air balance.
  • Check filters: From poor air quality to a malfunctioning HVAC system, dirty air filters can cause a lot of problems. Air filters that haven’t been changed in a while can also cause air balance issues. Check your filters and see if they’re clogged up with dust and debris. If so, swap them out, and you could see a big improvement with the air balance in your home.
  • Window coverings: Putting up blinds, shades or curtains over your windows can do a lot to make rooms in your home more comfortable. Too much sunlight flooding in will make a room heat up a whole lot faster than your AC will be able to cool the area down. If you notice that a room is too hot, install some shades and you’ll immediately notice a big difference.
  • Fix ductwork: If none of the tricks above help improve your air balance, you may need to check your air ducts to see if there are any holes or places where air is slipping out. Depending on your abilities, you may be able to repair your ducts by yourself. Otherwise, you should call a pro to do it for you. Calling a professional to make duct repairs might cost a few hundred dollars, but you’ll save tons of money over time on your energy bills.

If your home still feels a bit “off,” be sure to pick up the phone and give Ken’s Comfort Zone Air Conditioning a call for AC repair in Mabank, TX. We pride ourselves in offering all of our services at the area’s most competitive rates—you won’t break the bank when you call us to fix your air conditioner!

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