Know Your Rights – AC Laws In Texas

February 17, 2023 8:48 pm Published by Leave your thoughts

As summer rolls around, many residents are looking for ways to cool off. That’s why it’s important to know what your rights are if your air conditioning stops working or isn’t running properly. 

Who Is Responsible To Repair My AC? 

In Texas, a landlord is responsible for repairing any damage caused to the property by natural forces or tenants’ negligence. This includes any damage to the air conditioning system. According to the Texas Tenants’ Rights Handbook, a landlord must fix any issues that could affect your health or safety within a certain amount of time. This is usually three days, but it can vary. 

How Do I Request Repairs From My Landlord? 

If you spot a problem with your apartment, the first thing to do is to tell your landlord about it. This is a legal requirement under the Warranty of Habitability (Real Property Law 235-b) which states that a rental unit must be safe, clean and in good repair. A written request is the best way to communicate your requests, whether for minor repairs or big ones. It will serve as a document for you, your landlord, and the maintenance crew to follow. The letter should be sent via certified mail with a return receipt requested, which helps create a paper trail in case you need to go to court later. After the initial letter, if you are still not getting any response, it is time to make a more formal request for repairs. This should be in writing and should include a clear timeline as to when you plan to fix the problem. 

What Are Some Hvac Home Laws In Texas? 

When it comes to hvac, Texas is not short on laws. The state’s property code says that landlords must fix any problem that affects the health and safety of a tenant, regardless of the cause. In particular, the law requires a landlord to make a “deliberate” effort to repair the problem within a reasonable amount of time. In some cases, the timeframe is as long as one week for air conditioning. 

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